Wild & Wacky Wednesday Awards Banquet is Wednesday September 19th
The Wild and Wacky Wednesday banquet is this Wednesday, September 19th. Gates open at 6pm. Picnic buffet will begin at 6:45pm followed by the awards ceremony at 7:45pm. Tickets are $22 for adults (13 years old and up) youth 6-12 $11 and children 5 and under are free. There will NOT be an up charge for tickets bought at the door the day of the banquet. If you have not pre-register and are planning on attending the banquet, please call the office at 860-442-7223 Email us at info@speedbowlct.com or message us on Facebook. We would like to get an idea of how many people will be attending so we have enough food. Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone at the banquet.